
Showing posts from 2013

Morpher Experiments

Expression Test This video shows an expression test I did with a retopoed figure.  I mainly wanted to try out the morpher in 3Ds max and see how well it could go from one emotion to the next.

Next Gen Zelly

Here she is, the next Generation Zelly.  I wish I had more time to work on her but other projects demand my attention.  Onto the next!

Zelly Mobile

Zelly's mobile version is done for now.  I rigged and animated her with the time I could afford.  I will also have a high poly version of her soon.


A quadruped I modeled a few months ago but forgot to post.  Also made in Zbrush.

Character Design: Zelly

The story for Zelly is that she is living in her own dimension which allows her to walk in the living world without being seen.  She can interact with objects but no matter what she does, she will not be noticed.  Zelly finds that by putting on clothes and objects which have a strong event tied to it, that she'll gain more of a presence as well as a tie to our world.  The Grim Reaper notices her around the dead while she is picking items and clothes off corpses.  A hunger grows in him that wants to take her unique life force.  He is unable to touch her until she is completely in the living realm so he starts to help her gather items.  In the process we start to wonder if his intentions are truly bad. First some quick sketches were made for Zelly's possible outfit A hair style was decided on, a possible logo made and three outfits were selected for her to pose in.  A name for the story was also decided upon.  Infinitesimal meaning always near zero but never reachin