Short Stories

A few paragraphs will be posted here, but the remainder of the story will be linked to my  google drive. If you wish to continue reading, then just click on the link and you'll be sent on your way!


Story: Station Master

(Still a work in progress)

Vance takes another bite of a candy bar as he leans forward and peers into the Ginken’s room. Martha Ginken shuffles through her luggage. She pulls items of clothing out one by one until she finally grunts with anger. She picks up the luggage and dumps it all on her bed.

“Gregor!” She shouts in rage, “I can’t find my candy bar!” she says as she pushes all her clothing around.

Gregor Ginken opens the bathroom door with a wet toothbrush in his hand, “I don’t know what to tell you sweetie. You must have lost it.”

Martha tenses up and turns to Gregor. He shrinks back a little as if instinct is telling him to run but he stays knowing it wouldn’t do him any good. “Maybe you ate it and forgot?” Gregor laughs weakly.

“I would have known if I ate it!” Martha rushes towards him, the ground shaking as she moves her overweight body, “I’m diabetic and my sugar levels are dropping Gregor, dropping! Do you want me to fall into a coma and die?!”

Gregor is silent as if he’s considering it then shakes his head. She stares at him, obviously noticing the hint of hesitation. He droops his head in defeat, “I’ll get some candy from the vending machine.”

Gregor shambles out of the room. Vance smiles and backs away from the peep hole. Vance has lived in the walls of this motel for two months and the people are interesting enough to keep him entertained. The guests leave food in their mini-fridges for him to snack off of and there are always toilets in vacant rooms. It’s a pretty nice living for a run away.


Story: The Dusk Elf

I listen as Mick starts to snore. He finally falls into a deep sleep. I get up and tuck an extra pillow under the blanket in hopes that it looks faintly like I’m still in bed. Mick might go into a panic looking for me. Or he could lazily fall back into slumber land without realizing that he was just awake. Still, I rather be careful.

Slowly I open the door of the dorm room and make my exit. I listen through the door for any noise in the room but it’s silent. I’m safe to leave. It doesn’t take long before I’m off campus and walking through the streets. No one flinches at the sight of me. No guards are on high alert because I'm disguised by this ring. It hides my dusk elf skin and allows me to appear as a normal elf. I’d be happy on my little island by myself if it wasn’t for my mother. I wouldn’t have to worry about a disguise and being imprisoned or worse, killed.

Mick was heading off to school and made a silly deal with a Faun named Bud. My mother decided he needed a guardian that wasn’t just a random stranger. It’s damn difficult to defy my mother when she wants something done her way. So now I babysit the spoiled brat.

I turn down an alley. The houses gradually change from beautiful homes to boarded up huts. The streets are muddy and covered with trash. After a few minutes, I round a corner and knock on a door. A sweet older dwarf opens the door a crack. She smiles when she sees me.


Story: Shade

I sit at the table nearest to the window and open my journal. I don’t write in it often but the silence of the town has given me the urge to look busy. I stare at it, my mind dull. This isn’t what I want to be doing right now. I rather be walking to the next town so I can finally find the place I can settle down.

People spend their entire lives searching for what they want to do. I rather just find a place and live in peace. Sure I don’t have a job or great skills to get a good source of income, but I do strive for something. That has to count. Right?

My thoughts are cut short as a cheerful waitress taps on the table.

“Only customers are allowed to sit here, but you seem....” She looks me up and down. My dirty clothes are a tell that I’ve been traveling. She smiles, “You’re one of them heroes? That book, is that your plan to take Chillad down!” Her voice rises as her question turns into a statement.

I wave my hand to try and calm her down, “I’m a traveler, just a traveler!” Her smile widens but she nods, “Well if the bar starts to get over run, I expect you to scram. Unless you buy something. After all you can’t leave Fillament town until Chillad lets you.”

Nothing can hide the despair that spreads on my face. She only said the truth but it always strikes me in a horrible sense. Chillad, a demon of misfortune, sits in a cave waiting for people to show up and entertain him. Everyone is trapped in town. If you step outside of town you disappear only to reappear in some horrible manner. Limbs missing, blue in the face from drowning, eyes gouged out. Each a little more creative and crueler than the last.


 Story: Struggle

(A later short story based on the one above) 

I stop and stare down the road. At the end of it is a quaint little town. I can see people running about even though they look like ants. “Chillad?” I call. I know he’s around but he doesn’t like to show it. The demon walks out from behind a signpost. He looks agitated. I haven’t done anything to entertain him in a while.

“I want to run into town.” I hesitate, “Without you.” That didn’t lighten his mood. He’s unusually quiet. I have to think of something, quick.

“Maybe I can find you something interesting to surprise you?” He raises an eyebrow. I’m hoping that’s a good thing. He leans in and I shutter. I think he just sniffed me, but he leans back and smiles.

“Yes, do find something for me will you? I’ve been so bored lately.”

“So you’ll stay here?” I ask trying to hide my excitement. He sits down on a fallen tree as if that answers my question.

I take a few steps and turn back. Chillad is still sitting on the fallen tree. He waves goodbye and I quickly wave back on reflex. To this he chuckles. A wave of embarrassment overcomes me and I turn before he can see me blush.

I quicken my steps as I hear him murmur to himself, “My little girl is off on an adventure. She’s so grown up. If only I could hold her hand.” His voice fades away the farther I get from him, and the closer I get to town.


Story: Bell

Jay sits down as the sun sets. He examines the scope of his rifle then sets it down on a cloth so it doesn’t get dirty on the cave floor.

“Jay!” A girl shouts from the entrance.

Surprised, Jay raises his rifle to the girl. She chuckles but keeps walking forward excitedly. Jay looks through his night vision scope and sighs.

“Bell, how did you find me?” He asks. Bell continues forward and gives Jay an odd shoulder hug.

“I followed you!”

“You know what I mean.” He motions to his outfit indicating his rank in the Shadow Knights. A top officer. Shadow Knights are known for stealth and covering their tracks. Currently he is keeping an eye on a drug dealing suspect. The cave he decided to lay low in is hard to get to and has a good view of the suspects compound.

She grabs his belt. He goes to push her off but she’s already let go. In her hand is a bottle of nightshade. A poison concoction Jay would lock into his gun. It would automatically give the bullets a poisonous touch. He didn’t need to use it often except with a few thick skinned creatures.

Bell held the bottle up with one hand and gently circled it with the other, “I can smell it.” She says in her most seductive voice, which still sounds childish. Jay stares at her dumbfound. The potion is supposed to be scentless.


Script: Limbo's Corruption


THALIA leans on an iron railing, staring out at the waves. The sun slowly sets, throwing pinks, reds, and oranges across the sky and water.

At dusk the city fades. Street lights have not yet turned on and darkness slowly creeps out from the towering skyscrapers. There is a stillness, a silence that comes from the number of people who arrive home. They eat food with their families while watching their favorite late night programs. Ignorance is bliss.

THALIA pushes herself off of the railing and strolls into a hidden doorway, checking all around to make sure nobody has spotted her. She slides it open and slams it closed.


THALIA moves through the crowd. GUY bumps into her. She gives him a dirty look. GUY sneers back and points his middle finger at her. His shirt is covered in dried blood.

These are the people who you have to watch out for on the streets. Gang members, always searching for a fight. Here, they gather to witness violence they could never accomplish in their wildest dreams. They like to be called copper miners. Constantly searching for the smell and taste of blood.

The arena is so dark that anybody looking through the bars could only see the very outline of the highest perches. Music begins booming loudly, indicating that they will start soon. THALIA heads straight to a caged section next to the food carts and restrooms. The cage can hold up to 50 or 60 people. GUARD stands tall by the entrance.

I’m here to fight.

(looks her up and down)
Your death won’t be a loss to society. Head on in.

I wanted to tell him my name, to scream my name to the crowd. Maybe then if I died tonight, somebody would remember my name. Even if they didn’t remember my face, my name might live on.




Script: Human Puppet



AARON, a teen the age of 14, sits silently on his bedroom floor. The lights are off. Only a small amount of sunlight comes from a window. His hand is seen as he guides a string puppet across the floor.

Puppets are lifeless. They only move if someone is pulling the strings.

Slowly, his face comes into view showing dull eyes and blank stare as he talks.

I wish I was one, a puppet. Not having a thought but still having a life. Going where I need to be instead of questioning what I should be doing. Instead I maintain a facade. Go to school, hug daddy goodbye, buy groceries after getting the haircut. It’s when I get home...

(Shouting, muffled)
Aaron! Get down here!

AARON puts down the puppet.

That I actually start to think. Daddy told me that thinking is bad.

AARON looks to the door. Behind him is a DARK MASS with glowing eyes. As the mass opens it’s fang filled mouth AARON opens his mouth as well. Their lips move in sync.

And today, I just couldn’t stop thinking.
(Growls deeply)

AARON’S eyes glow slightly blue as he covers his face and touches his forehead to the ground. Heavy breaths escape his lungs mixed in with low growls.





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