Capstone Progress

Currently I've been working on my capstone. This is my final class project. I actually qualify to have my bachelor's degree and was approved but I decided that I want to finish this class before actually receiving it. I've created three characters and am in the process of doing rough animations. I've created a schedule for myself on how and when this should be completed. After this month the most difficult parts should be finished(animations, character models, rigging, unwrapping, texturing). All that would be left is lighting, rendering and assembling it all in adobe premiere.

This is the video sample for a pitch I made at the beginning of the semester. I had worked ahead so progress would flow faster. All animations in this presentation were done and modified in one day's time. This was done to show that I can make an animation at least a minute long.

Capstone Pitch

Here are a few images of the characters. Character textures are subject to change.


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