
Showing posts from 2015

Working, working!

It's been a while since I updated, but at least now I have some news. I've been working! Sort of. I have just finished a summer game related job and made some money. Now I'm diving right back into my main focus. I wasn't quite sure when the right time was to come out and say that I have been working on this project so I waited. Then finally a trailer was released. (A while ago, sorry) Yes, my ego overflows each time I see my name light up. I am proud of myself and my co-workers on what we've done so far. The teamwork I've experienced with these individuals is off the scales! I'm excited to be back at my desk animating after two weeks of being out of town working on other things in order to get The Leet World season 3 out to the waiting fans. Stay smooth! ~Sam

Holiday Greetings

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! For gifts, I decided to draw my friend's characters. My friend Emily had a character from 2007 that she loved at the time. So I decided to give her a blast from the past. Then my friend Regine has a male character she recreates in every game we play. After a while we decided that if he had a personality, that it would be overly emotional and dramatic. So I present: Miaka and Escaton