Time Flies

For the last year I have been hard at work at my current job. I'm constantly around kids and while it may be fun at times, it is extremely exhausting! I do try and get some creativity out now and then but it has been difficult.

I've found a joy in reading a chapter or two of a book before bed. While I have always been a reader, I have found myself reading more in the past year than ever before. A quick trip to the library after work has been quite the joy! Though I have mostly been into superhero/villain novels such as Victious.

I haven't been completely still when it comes to creating. There has been a new short story page added to my blog! 

I had a necklace and broach 3D printed from Persona 5 when I found that I couldn't easily craft it from scratch.

I sculpted a cat and then adopted a cat not long after! I would say I wasn't too far off the mark with it's proportions as my cat VooDoo would show.

Then there were a few sketches. I am still here and alive!


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